Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 18

Day 18: What do you want Disney to bring back
Emmm well i don't really keep up with the
stuff that they let go, I guess they should just bring
back the classics for a while

Day 18: Your Favorite Pixar Film
Toy Story 1, 2, 3
Toy story is a classic. It's a great movie with great graphics. Look at woody's face.... lol thats real art right there it looks very real

Monsters, Inc.
It's a very cute movie. I especially like the little girl.
Pixar did very good while creating Monsters Inc.

Day 18: Favorite Name
Winnie The Pooh
He's just so freaking cute lol and his name makes him cuter :O

Day 18: Favorite Episode of Jonas LA..

OK well i was doing 4 of the 30 day challenges that i found but i'm going to cut the last one since the rest of them are about new the new Disney Channel which i'm not familiar with :[


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